Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daily Rant

Allow me this forum to let off a little steam. 

Surprised to wake up to rain this morning, I put away the beach bag and swimsuits.

Plan B.

The kids have been nagging asking me to take them to the "craft store" all summer.  I needed to drop off Owen's preschool paperwork today and make a stop at the library, so I decided today was the day to check that little item off their summer wish list.

We stopped into Michael's and had a grand time with each child selecting the project they would like to work on, on this cloudy, rainy day.  By the time we were done with all of our running around, it was lunch time and I dreaded the idea of running home to slap together 4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Especially since that's what we had for lunch yesterday.

I have nice little stockpile of coupons for free kids meals at Bob Evan's so I decided to go there.  It's as much a treat to myself as it is to the kids.

For all the times my children behave like first class little monsters, I will have to say (brag) that my kids do a pretty good job, and always have, in restaurants.  We were enjoying our food and nearing the end of our meal, when a woman with two young children were seated at the table next to ours.  The toddler who appeared to be about 15 months old was seated in a high chair on one side of the table (by himself) while the mother sat with the older girl who I would say was probably 3 or 4 years old.  My first thought is "Why didn't she sit by the younger child?"  I was really wondering why when the youngest child began to cry, then scream, then pound crayons, then throw utensils, then all at once!  And guess what?!  This woman, mother, babysitter, whatever proceeded to ignore the child and read or send text messages while all of the other people in that corner of the restaurant just looked at her in amazement.

I'm thinking that woman must have been hyped up on Prozac or something.  I'm told that when you take that stuff you just don't care and this woman clearly didn't care about anyone or anything but herself at that moment.  Even my own children complained about it.  How bad does it have to get when other children complain about the noise and disruption?!

Okay, I feel better now.  I got that aggravation out of me.  I can move on now.  Thanks for listening!  You're better than Prozac!

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