Friday, September 17, 2010

52 Cookies - Chapter 37

I'm sneaking a no-bake, not-really-a cookie recipe in for this week's Cookie Journey installment. 

Cookie, brownie, bon bon. 

It's all good.

I tore this recipe off of a Keebler' graham cracker box a while back.  We've been going through a lot of graham crackers lately.  And marshmallows.  And Hershey bars.  As the weather begins to cool, our family likes to build a fire in our backyard and enjoy some time together, capped off with s'mores, of course!  I've been assembling and eating s'mores for as long as I can remember.  I grew up camping quite a bit as a kid, so campfires were common.  I still love that smell of the smoke on your old sweatshirt after coming in from outside.

This recipe has nothing to do with s'mores, but it sure does have a lot to do with my absolute favorite flavor combination...peanut butter and chocolate.  I'd rename these little lumps of heaven Buckeye Bon Bons if I could.  Call them what you like.  They are delicious!

Graham and Peanut Butter Bon Bons (Buckeye Bon Bons!)
Here's What You'll Need:
1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies cereal
1 1/4 cups chunky peanut butter
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup powdered sugar
12 oz (approx.) chocolate chips or dark chocolate coating

Here's What You Do:
In a large bowl, mix up all the ingredients except the chocolate.
Disclaimer:   I only had creamy peanut butter, so I used that.  Also, I didn't have enough graham crackers in the cupboard so I used some graham fish crackers from Pepperidge Farm.  I bought them during the summer and my kids just wouldn't eat them.  Not wanting them to get stale, I stuck them in the freezer thinking I could pulverize them into crumbs and use them for a cheesecake crust sometime.  The cheesecake never happened.  Thankfully.  I have a hard time tearing myself away from that.  Although, these little bon bons are hard to tear myself away from as well.  I digress.

Stick your mixture into the fridge for about an hour.  I was a bit concerned when after more than one hour, the mixture still seemed too soft to work with.  I am wondering if the use of creamy peanut butter made the mixture too "thin."  If I had it to do over again, I would compensate and add in some additional Rice Krispies cereal or graham cracker crumbs.  Aren't you glad you have my test kitchen to work out all the kinks?!

Put a sheet of wax paper on a large cookie sheet.  Scoop up about one tablespoon of the mixture.  I used my smallest cookie dough scoop.  (Type A uniform cookies and all that.)  Melt your chocolate using whatever method you are accustomed to.  Using a fork, dip each of the bon bons into the chocolate allowing the excess to drip off through the tines of the fork.  Carefully place the bon bons on the wax paper.  When you are done, stick the cookie sheet into the fridge for the chocolate to set up.  The recipe says these can be stored at room temperature.  I don't think that would be a wise idea.  I'm keeping mine in the fridge, not that they are going to last very long around my house!

I think these would be a nice recipe to use during the holidays.  Wrap them up in a pretty little container and you've got a nice, inexpensive food gift for the bus driver, mail carrier, Sunday School teacher, whoever!

Time to go sit down and watch some daytime TV and eat my bon bons!  Yeh right!

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