Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Buzz! Buzz!

As usual, our home has been a beehive of activity lately.  The excitement and preparations for Halloween provided for some extra chores last week that kept most of us especially busy.

We experienced simply beautiful weather for Halloween and trick or treat on Sunday.  The children enjoyed dressing up in costume and heading out into the neighborhood to gather up all sorts of chocolatey confections to share with their parents!  It was so nice to see neighbors and visit and share our little community with our friends who live further out in the country.  What a great evening it was for everyone!

I lucked out by convincing Owen to wear the frog costume I made for Evan a couple of years ago and Evan re-purposed his 5th grade state research project costume by being a California gold miner!  Jenna's hula girl outfit was a bit of a stretch considering the layers of clothing necessary due to the chilly temperature.  It helped us think warm thoughts, nonetheless!

I lucked out on November 1st!  Kevin happened to be home and I was able to sweet-talk him into taking Owen to preschool for me so I could officially begin Christmas shopping!  Yeah!  It was a very successful day and a lot was accomplished.  And today?  Today I put away the jack-o-lantern and skeleton decorations.  I got a jump start on the project last night and the kids were very sad, as usual, to see the decorations come down.  They never like to see holiday decorations go back into their boxes.  I explain to them, "If we don't put away Halloween, how will we ever make room for Thanksgiving, or Christmas for that matter?!"  Of course, there are those homes that actually do not put away decorations.  You know who they are.  The house down the street/road that you and your neighbors talk/complain/gossip about when it's Memorial Day and their "Peace On Earth" wreath is still hanging on their front door. 

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