Monday, December 6, 2010

More Bears!

I'm going to take this moment and recommend a book to you.  If you have anyone on your holiday shopping list that is around five years old or so, buy them this book. 

"More Bears!" is written by famed poet, Ken Nesbitt. Mr. Nesbitt been writing children's humor poetry for as long as I can remember and my kids have always enjoyed his work. This book is not one of poetry, but it is certainly one of humor. I cannot put into words how much fun I have reading this book to Owen and likewise, he gets a pretty big kick out of hearing it read to him. It's one of those ridiculously silly stories that is written in such a way that you feel like you have become part of the story.

I cannot put into words how much fun I have reading this book to Owen and likewise, he gets a pretty big kick out of hearing it read to him. It's one of those ridiculously silly stories that is written in such a way that you feel like you have become part of the story.

After a page or two, your youngster will get the hang of it and will be calling out, filling in the blanks, "More bears!" as you read along.  Be forewarned, this is not a good bedtime book.  It's a book that's meant to be read loud, with exaggerated expression in your voice and sometimes even, at a rapid pace.  Trust me, there is no falling asleep after having this book read to you!

This is not a paid endorsement :-) 

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