Evan broke his wrist the other night. While my adolescent boy and I waited at Urgent Care for the cast to be set, I sent a text to my husband confirming our worst fears.
Me: It's broken
Him: At least baseball season is over
Me: Swimming
Evan broke this very same arm just over two years ago. That time, he broke it the night before his baseball team's first game. So. I guess it could be worse.
Really though. Is there ever a good time to have a broken arm? Driving Evan home and thinking about what a kink this puts in our plans to enjoy going to the pool, now that it has finally warmed up enough to truly enjoy it and we don't have ball games to race off to every night, I was pondering that very question.
In the winter, a broken anything would be a real pain in the neck. How do you fit the long sleeves of your shirt over the cast? And then there are the bulky winter coats and the risk of slipping on ice. A broken leg/ankle would be even worse.
Yes, I tried to look on the bright side of it. With any luck, the cast will come off right before (or right after) school begins in late August. And it doesn't keep us from doing anything earth-shattering, although, Kevin's been trying to take Evan golfing. That's kind of off the list of things to do, now.
There are things in life that you can schedule, like a dentist appointment. You schedule the appointment for when it's convenient for you. Maybe on a Tuesday rather than another day, because Tuesdays are good for you.
Then there are things in life that happen, and you can't avoid it, no matter how inconvenient; they pop up and must be taken care of right there, right then. Like the day I had made plans to take Owen to the zoo with two of my friends and their children. Then I got a call from school that Jenna had thrown up. Suddenly, I wasn't looking at elephants and gossipping with my friends; I was driving to school to pick up my sick girl.
So, we learn to go with the flow.
We learn to make the best of a situation.
We play the cards we're dealt.
We make lemonade out of lemons.
I'm all out of cliches.
Poor Evan, hope he heals quickly! We will miss you at the pool. --Cindy