Thursday, March 4, 2010

March Madness

Our March Madness occurred in February.  To be honest, there was a lot of "madness" that occurred in February around these parts.  Anyone remember how many days the sun was out last month or the number of days our children were out of school?  Yikes!  I still can't believe it sometimes!

Basketball season officially came to an end for us last weekend. Jenna’s final game was two weeks ago. Her team managed to go undefeated until the very last regular season game and then they lost. Both teams were undefeated at that point so that meant the same two teams engaged in a rematch the following week for the “championship game.” This time, the tables were turned and Jenna’s team came out on top. I guess you could argue that both teams ended the season with the same record, but for bragger’s rights, Jenna’s team considers themselves the league champion for the year. It was interesting to watch Jenna play basketball this year, being her first experience with the sport. She’s so aggressive and confident on the soccer field and less assured on the basketball court. Time and practice really do make a difference.

Evan’s team made it to the second round of play last Friday night and then they lost in the 2nd tournament game the following day. I think this was the biggest crowd he had ever played in front of so the energy level was high in the gymnasium that day. I was secretly relieved to be done with basketball and get a couple of weeks to just slow down, catch our breath, and enjoy some relaxed family time instead of running out the door to games and practices several days out of the week. Last week I signed over our checkbook to the local soccer, baseball and softball leagues. They say soccer practice will begin mid-March, but an awful lot of snow is going to have to melt before that happens. Brrrrr!

I gave my blog a facelift today.  The old look was the one I picked out right after Christmas.  It was time.  Those little white dots just looked too much like snowflakes and I don't want anything resembling snow or ice crystals anywhere around me at the present time.  I have so enjoyed today's sunshine and cannot wait to have some warmer temps accompany the big ball of fire in the sky.  I haven't decided if I like this new look though.  The colorful little shapes are supposed to be jelly bean or egg shapes, but they look more like little blobs.  Don't be surprised if you see something else again soon.  I am feeling hard to please today.

One final note, for those of you who follow my blog, you know about my year-long Cookie Journey.  Rest-assured, I have baked this week's cookie.  I started them this morning, amid 3 loads of laundry and a grocery list.  Then Owen and I headed out the door to make a Yutzy's run and surprise Jenna at school with lunch for her Half Birthday, a day late.  (I wasn't able to do it yesterday.)  After that, I was able to talk Owen into a quick run to SuperWalmart so I could pick up some groceries and other things.  I prefer Kroger and Target, but this way I was able to get everything under one roof.  We came home this afternoon and I finished up the cookies, laundry and other chores.  I promise to post Chapter 9 tomorrow.  I guarantee, it will be worth the wait!

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